Hello again!
So, as some of you may or may not know, it's that time of year again! TIFF IS HERE! As I post this, it's actually the second last day of Tiff (Toronto International Film Festival) running from the 5th to the 15th (correct me if I'm wrong). Last year was my first experience with Tiff because I wanted to see Darren Criss and Emma Watson. I was successful at seeing both but I only got one autograph (Emma Watson's if you're curious). This year, there were more people I'd like to see. My celebrity list included: Daniel Radcliffe, Jason Bateman, Zac Efron (Spoiler Alert: I didn't see him but my best friend did!), Amy Poehler, and Jennifer Garner. Sandra Bullock and Reese Witherherspoon would have been nice too but the locations weren't worth it and I was tired after the past two days I had.
Tiff day 1: September 6th, 2013.
Name of Celebrities: Daniel Radcliffe, Zac Efron, Jason Bateman
Movie: "Horns", "Parkland", "Bad Words"
Location: "Bloor Hot Docs Theatre", "Roy Thompson Hall", "Ryerson"
Time: 6pm, 9:30pm, 9pm
Daniel Radcliffe was the first on the list. He is in THREE movies at the festival this year and if I wasn't successful there, I had two more times to try. I got there at 3:30pm. We waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited. Finally, the volunteers set up the barricades and we were escorted to the front because we were there the longest. And then we waited...And waited...and waited. I had my clipboard in hand and I was ready to go when he finally came out!
LOOK AT HIS BLUE EYES! This was my second time seeing him live but this time I was up close and personal!
This is the only photo I have of me and him together BUT IT'S A PICTURE OF US TOGETHER NONETHELESS! Shout out to my mom for coming with me and taking the photos! Bless her soul.
I consider meeting a celebrity as talking to them and they respond. So I met Daniel Radcliffe. This was our conversation: (I will be in
Yellow and he will be in
"Thank you so much, Daniel! ...Daniel, there's a girl behind me who gave me her book for you to sign, do you think you could sign that for her?"
"Yeah of course! ...Here you go!"
"Thank you so much!" *Silence* "I think you're phenomenal!" He was totally taken aback. He stuttered slightly. "I think you're absolutely brilliant."
"Uh....Well...Er...Thank you! You're really too kind! Thank you so much!"
"It's true!"
"Well thank you!"
And there you go. The conversation between Daniel
(cough cough, Harry Freaking Potter, cough cough) Radcliffe and I.
While I was waiting, I was asked to be interviewed by
Yahoo! Canada. You can watch the video here:
With that being said and done, they asked me a lot more questions but it's still pretty darn awesome! Here's a picture of me proudly holding my Daniel Radcliffe autograph!
So, after Daniel, my mom and I went to check out the crowd at Zac Efron...Long story short, it was too crowded to even try. So we decided to find out who was at the Ryerson and try there. Jason Bateman was there at the same time as Zac Efron's movie and when we arrived and saw NO ONE there, we decided to set up our seats and wait.
I love this profile of him! Rock it mom!
He skipped about five people asking for a picture with him and came to sign my autograph. While he was signing, I met him too! Conversation between Jason and I:
"Hi Jason!"
"Hi there!" *Signs autograph quickly*
"Thank you so much Jason!"
"You're very welcome!" *Smiles and moves to the next one*
After that, my mom and I went home to rest for the day ahead of us.
Day 2: September 7, 2013
Celebrity List: Amy Poehler, Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson, Jared Leto, Matthew McConaughey, and JENNIFER GARNER!
Movie: "You Are Here" and "Dallas Buyers Club"
Times: 3pm and 10pm
First up was Amy Poehler. I woke up to grey clouds and rain. Heavy rain. But that didn't deter me at all! The jeans were on, my thick hoodie was on, and my raincoat overtop. When we got there, it was already busy. We got there at 12... We decided to set up in the best place at the Ryerson. We quickly made friends with about four people. All of them super nice and we shared banana bread with them while we waited. The barricades weren't up yet though and when we went to notify the TIFF people, they said someone would be on it right away...But then it was 2...and then 2:15...So, we set it up ourselves. And just as Amy came, the sun came out.
Can you hear/feel my excitement as one of my favourite comedic actresses walks down?
Amy Poehler is a SUPER cool lady. Fun fact: She was married to my favourite male comedic actor Will Arnet! She was all smiles, as you can tell, and actually very beautiful in person. It was incredible getting her autograph. She didn't take pictures with anyone. She was really cool though! Zach's wife went into labour and Owen...well apparently he was nowhere to be seen.
It started to rain again and instead of camping out at the Princess of Wales theatre, my mom and I got McDonalds and went home to watch TV and rest until 6:30pm when we'd go to see Jennifer Garner.
We got to Princess of Wales and found a really nice lady in what I call "The Safe Zone" (by that I mean the barricades say "Tiff" on them) and she let me stand there when she folded up her chair. While in line, I met a really nice girl who is also a HUGE Jonas Fan, like me! My mom and her's talked while we did and I also started talking to this Scottish lady and other lady who was there too. All of us chatted until it was time and the street closed and the sky was black.
The Tiff organizer at that location would announce who was coming. Jared Leto was first. My mom was CRAZY excited!
After Jared was Matthew McConaughey.
This is him signing my autograph!
"PLEASE SIGN MY DAUGHTER'S AUTOGRAPH!" I heard my mom scream and he did.
"Hi Matthew!"
"Hi!" he smiled while he signed. When he was done, he looked around for who to give the clipboard to.
"That's mine!" I smiled.
"Oh, here you go!"
"Thank you so much!" We looked in each other's eyes as we smiled.
"You're welcome," and then he moved on. And so, I met Matthew McConaughey. JUST AS HE WAS SIGNING AN AUTOGRAPH FOR ME, MY GIRL CAME OUT!
I instantly started screaming for her. She walked over; ten people away, eight people away, six people away, five people away. My mom and I screaming as loud as we can with the help of our new friends.
"JENNIFER! JENNIFER! JENNIFER! JENNIFER!" We chanted. Her face smiling the whole time. She's gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous. She is another one of my inspirations. I have a lot, but she is for sure one of them. Just when I thought she'd come down more, her "people" stepped in front.
"I think you should go that way!" she instructed her. She happily turned the other way.
"NOO!!" Everyone screamed. We continued to chant her name, but it was useless. She signed everyone's autograph...ON THE OTHER SIDE! Matthew was too close to us. She was who I wanted. My heart sunk, but not deep. I saw her. She was five people away from and I think we even smiled at each other. She was gorgeous. Her family is lovely, her kids have normal names, she's very talented, she's a normal person. And that's why I love her. She is always out and about with Violet, Seraphina, and Sam. I mean look at her cuties!
I litterally just spent an hour looking through photos of her kids.... Back to Tiff
She was stunning! My mom and I headed to the exit of the theatre to try to catch her there. While we waited, we were approached by two guys who were making a documentary about Tiff that they are trying to get into Tiff next year and they asked to interview us individually! Their questions were super hard! My goodness! I'll keep you updated on that when I get more news! We waited from 10pm-1am to try to get Jenn's autograph. Also while we waited, Jason Bateman randomly walked by.
It was so late that they decided not to sign any autographs but here are some pictures we tried to take (horrible quality sorry.)
Sigh, she's gorgeous! I wasn't sad or that disappointed because I got to see her live in person and witness her beauty and sweetness for myself. My heart swells for her as an actress, person, and mother. Until we meet, Jennifer Garner. (JENNIFER, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT ME. LEAVE A COMMENT, OR SEARCH EricaJonas6 and you'll find me! Also: big fan, big fan!)
It's not Tiff without one disappointment (and it's usually the one you wanted the most). Everything happens for a reason. Who knows, maybe I'll co-star with her one day! Maybe I didn't get Jennifer's because the universe wanted me to get Taylor Swift's and if I had gotten Jennifer's, I wouldn't have gotten Taylor's.
Day 3: September 9, 2013
Celebrity List: Taylor Swift, Mila Kunis, and others.
Movies: "One Chance," and "Third Person"
Times: 8pm, 9pm.
So Monday. I wasn't sure if I was going to Taylor Swift in the evening but when my mom picked me up from school, we decided to try the Winter Garden Theatre and see what it was like. There was a spot. We unloaded and I met two lovely ladies Rachel and Hayley.
(Credit to Hayley for letting me post that picture and shout out to my mom again! Nice face, maybe you should join part 7 of The New Erica Project too!)
We called our family friends and they jumped on the subway to meet us.
And so we waited and waited and waited and waited and waited. While we waited, Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) came out! Then, the Tiff people came up with the great idea to move the barricades and it was ALL MAN FOR THEMSELVES! That's not fair! I waited 5 hours to see Taylor Swift. I had a perfect spot to stand as you can see. But no. "Okay go!" was what the Tiff lady said and we all ran for our lives. So the people in the back got to the front. I was still in the front luckily but barely.... It was so crowded and hectic that my mom couldn't get any good pictures of TSwizzle. But she arrived and it was worse than a concert.
These were the best I could get BUT LOOK AT THIS!
(This photo is orriginally from Getty Images...Do you know how much it would cost to get the HD version of this picture? After talking to someone and explaining that I AM IN THE PHOTO, the lowest they could do was $100...I AM IN THE FREAKING PICTURE, GETTY IMAGES! GOSH!)
I did get Taylor's autograph though and I got to talk to her! So I met Taylor Swift!
She came my way and I shoved my clipboard out there for her sign. After she did, someone shoved a binder in front of my face. I crouched down to look at her and said:
"Taylor, I love you so much!"
"Awww! Thank you! How are you doing?"
"Great! How are you?"
"Good!" and then she moved onto the next fan.
Right after Taylor Swift left, about 70% of the people did too. Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) attended the premier too but just walked into the theatre because it wasn't his movie. And we waited for Mila Kunis.
First, Adrian Brody came out. We took really attractive picture's of him (insert sarcasm here) but they're photo's nonetheless.
I got his autograph! And then Mila came.
"Hi Mila!"
"I like your earrings!"
"Aw! Well, thank you!"
"Thank you Mila!"
"No problem!"
So I met Mila Kunis too!
I couldn't decide which photo I liked better of Ana and I holding Mila Kunis' autograph so I posted both.
We went home and then for the rest of the week I had what my friend and I call "celebrity withdrawal" because the rest of my days were so boring and I had nothing to look forward to. After all that excitement, life is really boring and I'm more motivated to follow my dreams than ever!
I think it's really good and important for me to go to these events. It shows me a glimpse of what being famous is really like to make sure this is what I truly want in my life. To see the media and the fans and the way things are run. As I aforementioned, I'm more motivated now to follow my dreams. I have never been more sure of anything in my whole life and I'm excited to meet with someone who might be taking my headshots tomorrow. This is where I'm meant to be. I know it.
Until next year, Toronto International Film Festival. Until next year.
Wish it. Dream it. Do it.
(*Note: I put my blog name on photo's so that they might not get stolen. If you want a photo for yourself without the tag, please contact me.)