Saturday, 28 December 2013

WE Day 2013

This is a post that was supposed to be written and published around the second week of September. This post is dedicated to my dear friend, Molina.

Hi friends!

I'm pretending it's September and so should you for just this one post... I got an incredible opportunity to attend WE day 2013. WE day is this big motivational concert-esque event where people all over that specific City/State/Provence, in this case Toronto, who have made a difference in the world/their community/their school come to hear really touching stories about people who have made a difference on Earth and listen to some amazing artists who have donated a lot of their time and money to charities. My favourites this year were The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, and Darren Criss who was the host. All my pictures are on a camera that I don't know where it is at the moment so I'm sorry that this is a picture-less post :(

Side note: I'm an idiot for not writing this sooner because I've lost the immense motivation that I had right after attending...stupid stupid stupid.

At first, I was sitting way up high behind the stage at the ACC for when JB came on but I still enjoyed it! My mom has a friend, named Claudia, who works at the ACC and she was able to move me down to the floor after their performance. Some of the stories I heard were so touching and sad and inspirational. I couldn't help but cry. It's horrible knowing there are people out there living in such horrible circumstances around the world. And to hear that bullying is still happening is just a disgrace!

Half way through the event, Claudia united me with her daughter, Molina, and bought me lunch (Cheese Pizza from Pizza Pizza at arenas/concert venues are just so much better! Seriously my favourite!) I sat with Molina and her friend for the rest of the event super close to the stage as I continued to hear inspirational and motivational stories from some incredible people. Darren Criss kept entering and exiting right where we were sitting and I screamed his name very very loudly and he looked at me and we both smiled and waved at each other...It was great!

If you get the honour of going to WE day, please take that opportunity. You wont regret it! You will come out feeling thankful, motivated, and inspired.

Here's a video from some YouTubers I watched named MuggleSam. They went to WE day too! Check it out:

Wish it. Dream it. Do it.

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