Friday, 16 August 2013


Hi everyone!

I think I'll start doing Pilates everyday (or at least every other day) until school starts so that I can look okay for my school photo but I'm not getting serious just yet.

My mom had a FANTASTIC idea! I like it a lot! So in my last post, I said I was going to maybe workout after school. She came up with a way that I will FOR SURE workout after school. She's a smart lady, that mom of mine. First, my mom told me she read somewhere that the best times to workout during the day is between the hours of 5am-8am and from 3am-5pm. Something like that. I'm not a credible source and neither is she; she just heard it through the grapevine. So I've got the morning down (YAY!) and I notice the next window is right when I finish school...And I only like to walk around my school's area....Hmm...Getting the connection yet?

After inquiring what time my school's open until (my friend has been there until 7 before thanks to a certain teacher and his science help...), she came up with a great idea!
"Well, what if you keep your stuff in your locker, change into workout wear there and then go for your walk!? You call me when you're 15 minutes away from being done and I'll pick you up! You can go to your locker when you're done and then I'll take you home." WHAT A FANTASTIC IDEA! Why haven't I thought of that? Oh my gosh...

So, new plan for after school: Grab my workout wear from my locker, change, put on running shoes, slide my headphones on and do my usual 6.2km walk (according to google. It takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to do, and after timing, it's correct). Come back to school, grab my bag and whatnot, change if I want, go home and enjoy the rest of my day.

Why is this going to work? WELL! It's not like I could be doing homework or eating or playing on the computer or doing anything else. I'm nowhere near my house and there's nothing better to do. It'll force me to walk. If I went home right away and then went for a bike ride or something it would more than likely fail. I'd be at home eating a snack, watching TV, chilling out; basically losing motivation by the second. Then there's the thought of "Oh I should be doing homework right now..." If I don't go home I don't have those distractions! Problem of the laziness solved. Thanks mom!

I'll be doing that four times a week, Friday is hangout with friends day but I would have worked out in the morning. I like this plan. I've been trying to figure out how to beat the afternoon laziness for  a while and now it's solved!

Do you have any more awesome ideas for me? Here's some questions for you to ponder and maybe help me out with: How can I motivate myself to workout on the weekends? That's the next thing to figure out.... What else would you like to see on here? I can do tutorials (crafts, vision boards, workout charts, hair bows, nails, etc.), reviews; whatever you want! Let me know some suggestions that would interest you.

Thanks friends! Hope you're enjoying the last two weeks of summer! Wish it. Dream it. Do it.

That's a picture of me being silly with Nick Jonas for your entertainment

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